Between the COVID-19 pandemic and international economic concerns, it stands to reason that much of the workforce in the world is feeling stressed, anxious, and more than a little concerned by the world around them. A study compiled by Willis Towers Watson revealed that nearly 86% of employers are focusing on stress and mental health as their top organizational objectives at an employee level.

With so much of the world aching for a return to normalcy, understanding and implementing a well-being strategy can be the difference between success and failure.

Preparing For Uncertainty by Strategizing

If there is one thing that has been made abundantly clear by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is this, the world is far more uncertain than we might have thought. According to the same Willis Towers Watson survey alluded to above, almost half of the U.S. respondents revealed that they did not have an articulated and formally ready-to-present well-being strategy. The vast majority of respondents were still in the consideration stage for implementation.

While much of the study was not revelatory, some excerpts were of particular note. Advised by Regina Ihrke, the Willis Towers Watson survey would go on to reveal that financial reward systems rarely encourage positive behavioral changes leading to improved well-being among employees. As a result, groups like Complete Employee Services are advocating for alternative approaches, including the remodeling of employee assistance programs.

Closer Look at the Data

While employers are growing increasingly aware of the importance of mental health in the workplace, taking action is another concept entirely. According to a study published by LifeWorks, only 42% of workers engaged in mental health services provided by their workplace due in large part to privacy concerns.

To overcome many of these barriers, businesses will need to put their ears to the ground to better understand the needs of their office and the people within it. Deliberating with resource groups and industry leaders at Complete Employee Services can be an ideal way to explore the topic with professional backing.

Choose Complete Employee Services Today

Complete Employee Services has been supplying Human Resource solutions to businesses of all sizes for the better part of a decade. With years of industry experience, Complete Employee Services has helped guide clients through their payroll while exploring administrative duties, workers’ compensation, and employee benefits.

Complete Employee Services engages at every level of your business to develop a talented pool of employees. Working with CES can lead to happier employees and a more profitable business with better insurance plans and business tax credits.