The global pandemic merging with a tightening labor market may have seen the job market change dramatically over the past two years. As companies try to navigate this new and changing landscape, they may feel like they are trapped in the middle of the desert without much support in either direction.

As the tightening labor market continues to reflect how workers are reassessing their career paths and lives, companies are having to make increasingly informed decisions to accommodate this new mindset.  Stacy Harris, Chief Research Officer at Sapient Insights Group, suggests, “Workers are looking at the time they have, and they are saying, how much do I value that? What am I willing to do with that?”

Sapient helped to develop the 24th Annual 20221/20221 HR Systems Survey Key Findings, which went on to reveal some startling information. Before you call on the team at Complete Employee Services to help you with your talent management, take time to learn more about the current market and the Sapient Survey findings.

The Great Resignation: A Battle for Agency

Dubbed The Great Resignation, recent changes in the labor market have seen employees take on increasingly more agency when it comes to their future.  In the Key Findings report, Harris and her team revealed that these trends are holding clear for Asia and Europe, though they are probably a year behind most Western labor markets. As this continues to expand, HR leaders are going to have to understand the motives of their employees to better understand how to retain them.

Teams like Complete Employee Services can offer talent management to help support the most important assets that you have: your valued and hardworking employees.

Automation and Workforce Optimization

Major changes are coming to the market and not only from the perspective of the laborer. The U.S. Labor Shortage is as focused on employee management as it is focused on finding resources. July of 2021 saw a record 10.9 million job openings, showing that employees felt empowered to bypass positions if they didn’t feel it was a fit for them personally or financially. As a result, businesses have reacted by turning to automation and workforce optimization. This is a trend that many HR leaders project to continue into the future. Harris suggests that automation is a natural result of a functioning and fast-paced economy.

Prepare For Pandemic-Driven Changes

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, missing work with an illness was a part of life, albeit not a daily one. The pandemic’s quick acceleration of workforce transformation has made it clear that remote work capabilities are required. Modern businesses need to prepare for operations in a business climate that could be interrupted at any time by the pandemic.

To learn more about talent management and human resources, call on the team at Complete Employee Services!